Nestled in the historic Fairmont Building and Investments building constructed in 1916, standing tall at the Corner of Adams and Cleveland Ave is WV Box & Ship and its mascot, the ever-friendly golden retriever Sadie. Sadie also lets John Lockwood, the owner of WV Box & Ship, occupy the space as well.

While WV Box & Ship is primarily a shipping company with access to FedEx, UPS, and the USPS, John and Sadie also provide many services that individuals and small businesses need to survive in one location. Customers can ship bulk items, make copies, send faxes, get a key made, pick up small office supplies, rent a mailbox, have a sign printed or essential documents notarized. John doesn't want to compete with Walmart. His goal is to provide critical business services for the residents of Fairmont.
"Before I ship anything, I check FedEx, UPS, and USPS to get the lowest rate for my customers."

John recognized early on that there was a need for his type of one-stop-shop in Fairmont. Before opening in Fairmont, he opened a Morgantown store offering the same kind of personal service he now provides in Fairmont. Soon, John realized that several of his clients were driving to Morgantown from Fairmont. Many of his clients were not comfortable with
computers. He recognized this group as folks he could help."Many of these folks were my age and older," and needed the full-service offering that WV Box & Ship provides.
" The potential of the community attracted me. A small city that was on the verge of being able to grow."
WV Box & Ship also takes some of the strain off individuals and small businesses with small staff. Rather than having boxes shipped to a busy store or an empty home, people will purchase one of the post office boxes and have their packages shipped here where they're safe and warm.
Visitors can also find products made in West Virginia at WV Box & Ship. John works with several local producers and artisans and sells products such as honey, candles, soaps, and crafts made in the Mountain State.

"I bleed blue. When you're from West Virginia, believe in West Virginia."
Location: 311 Cleveland Avenue, Fairmont, WV