WV State Historic Preservation office Announces Grant Funding for Sacred Places. Letter of Intent Due by March 7:
Historic houses of worship, from prairie churches to urban synagogues, are the bedrocks that continue to sustain us as a people, uniting us in service and celebration. Together, we can protect them for generations to come—apply for a grant from the National Fund for Sacred Places to keep these places as an important part of our national cultural heritage.
The National Fund provides training, planning grants, technical assistance, capacity-building support, and capital grants up to $250,000 to congregations of all faiths for rehabilitation work on their historic facilities.
Congregations are urged to submit their letter of intent by March 7 for the Fund for Sacred Places for projects such as:
Urgent repair needs that are integral to life safety.
Projects that improve the usability or ADA accessibility of the property.
Renovation projects that support important community outreach.
Since its inception in 2016, the National Fund has awarded over $9 million to 82 community-serving congregations representing 22 faith traditions in 36 states and the District of Columbia. The fund has supported projects that range from steeple stabilization to exterior masonry repair to HVAC replacement. Learn about past participants Temple Beth Ahabah (Richmond, VA) and North Christian Church (Columbus, IN), as well as the full list of the 2020 recipients.
Visit www.FundforSacredPlaces.org for more details, including eligibility requirements, guidelines, and online application.
Tell the Full American Story
The 100,000+ historic houses of worship across America play a crucial role in shaping the character of our communities—preserving the full American story. Many are works of art whose beauty and history make them irreplaceable parts of our national cultural heritage. All are places that bring people together, strengthening and enlivening communities.
In the face of changing demographics and inadequate resources now is the time to support these structures that have played a critical role in shaping the character of our communities.
Apply today at www.FundforSacredPlaces.org.
The National Fund for Sacred Places is a program of Partners for Sacred Places in collaboration with the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
©2022 National Trust for Historic Preservation
2600 Virginia Avenue NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20037
202.588.6000 | 800.315.6847 | 202.588.6085 (fax)
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